Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day One in Formby, England

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Hello everyone!

This is where Formby is
Currently I am in Formby, England where I will be staying for the next two weeks. While I am here I will be with my team of fellow students from Moody Bible Institute serving the Formby Baptist Church. We will be doing a variety activities ranging from leading church services and youth services, to sharing our testimonies in a local "college" (high school), doing doing outreach events, to building relationships with the wonderful people here. So for the next two weeks, I will be posting my daily reflections on our activities so you can follow the action and keep us prayed for.

"Today" was a long day. It started when we drove to Milwaukee, WI just to fly back to Chicago O'Hare (because it was cheaper... America...). We then flew toward the rising sun, gaining 6 extra hours in our day - so when it is 4:00 pm in Chicago, it is 10:00 pm here. However, the flight brought something I didn't expect. The air is so thin at a 11,500 foot altitude that I couldn't sleep because I was struggling to suck air. I had to consciously try to breathe. It was kind of scary, to be honest. I'm not looking forward to that on the way back. But now that I am here, the air is so fresh! I love it here!

When we arrived, we were shuttled to our host homes. I was taken to Dave & Linda Griffiths' home. Their two sons, Josh (16) and Andy (21), also live here. They are all really cool. I like them a lot. They are so welcoming and hospitable. Dave is a teacher and one of two deacons at FBC. Linda is a nurse. Josh is in college (high school), and Andy has graduated and is currently in the job hunt. We watched Everton v Wigan Athletic today because we all share a love for Everton football (soccer). They even offered to take me to the Everton v ManCity home game! We'll see if we have time for it. But I am really enjoying staying with the Griffiths'. Please pray for Dave. He is also in a job search due to cutbacks where he is teaching.
A typical street view here in Formby

After spending the day with the Griffiths', we had a team meeting at the church. The last thing we did as group before settling down for the evening was dinner and tea with a group of the adults from the church. We got to know some really great people. I got to talk to a man named Dave who drove up from southern England just to see what God was going to do through us in the next two weeks. He is really cool and definitely has a heart to learn, even at an older age. I also got to talk to my host parents, Dave and Linda, about marriage. It was so encouraging.

It's getting late, and I am exhausted. I will continue to keep you updated. Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update brant I will keep prayig for you, mom


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